Issue #4: Persistent Update Error in WVS Unity Plugin
Issue #4 (closed) (cont'd from Issue #3 (closed) (using Unity Plugin (vsn 0.4.9) with desktop Cli (vsn 1.2.53)): After somewhat sorting out the issue and the lost work from earlier, I reopened unity. This time I noticed that there was a stream of hundreds of errors (all the same error) appearing in the console every frame. (see attached screenshot) This stream of errors made it impossible for me to work in Unity. This can affect things like not being able to add components to gameObjects, not being able to update the package manager, and not being able to build, or test in editor. I looked at the error (and the time was around 11pm pst). I thought, “it’s getting late, I need to remove this error from the console.” Upon looking at the error message and trying (unsuccessfully) to comment out the relevant line of code, it appeared the only way to resolve the error was to remove the wvs package from my unity project. Note: I could not view anything in the package manager because this error prevents the package manager from updating. So eventually I had to delete the package from Library->package cache (but it repopulates automatically). So I had to delete the package from the package cache to buy myself enough time to open the package manager. Once the package manager was updatable and visible, I was able to officially “remove” the wvs vsn control package from the package manager. And with that error out of the way, I was able to stay up late, recreate my changes, and then push/confirm properly using the CLI. I would have preferred to use the WVS Unity plugin or WVS Desktop client, but I did not feel comfortable doing so after losing work.