"wvs project import" command requires --name parameter.
The CLI :"wvs project import" command requires a --name parameter to specify the name of the project. However, before it does the import, it validates that the name is unique and it appears to be using the name of the directory for the validate instead of the --name provided. Therefore if you had imported a project from that same directory name before, it will fail regardless of what --name value is provided.
**Additional notes ** Fill in additional notes here
Steps to reproduce
2.. 3.
** Results **
** Expected **
How easy is it to reproduce? (i.e. 3/3, 1/3)
Product build number (Include Installer build + the component the bug is found on) Installer build: CLI Version: 1.10.40 WVS Desktop Build: CLI Build Number CLI Version: 1.10.40
** OS Version**
Notes: Please include screenshots and logs.