1 forks 3 stars
Everything you need to get started with Google's Map Tiles API and Cesium Geospatial coordinates. What will you do with the whole world in the palm of your hand? Prerequisites: Cesium Plugin for Unreal https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/cesium-for-unreal
0 forks 1 stars
An empty project pre-configured for development with the Unity game engine.
Hello World Example for Unity with webgl
only html browser in pc, but have to edit file: /Assets/Scripts/PrefabLoader.cs
m_BaseUri = "https://wvs-customer-byob-example-us-east-1.wvs.io/main/AssetBundles/WebGL/" +
0 forks 0 stars
Competitive online multiplayer video game with web3 functionality *Proof Of Concept* Not accepting contributions at the moment
An empty project pre-configured for development with the Unreal Engine.
A simple starter application for UE5 with sample flows.
1 forks 0 stars
open source collective hell game
16 forks 0 stars
A spot for working on assets for 512 ANGELS
6 forks 0 stars
A Template to be used for importing new projects. Provides a .gitattributes that is appropriate for most common interactive development cases and configures LFS correctly. Does not provide a .gitignore file so that the project imports in its entirety
Clickable javascript "clock".